DNA 17
17th International Conference on
DNA Computing and Molecular Programming

California Institute of Technology
Beckman Institute
Pasadena, California, USA
September 19 - 23, 2011

Wednesday night

Visions for DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (8:00pm-8:45pm), intended to provide a high-level view of where the field is going and/or where it should be going.
Panelists: Luca Cardelli, Eric Klavins, Nadrian Seeman, and Erik Winfree.

Friday afternoon

Hard Problems in DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (1:30pm-2:15pm), intended to identify places where intense theoretical study is needed to make new avenues of research possible.
Panelists: Anne Condon, Jack Lutz, John Reif, and Damien Woods.

Applications of DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (2:15pm-3:00pm), intended to highlight potential applications that could make a real world difference and what problems need to be solved to make them happen.
Panelists: Andy Ellington, Yamuna Krishnan, Niles Pierce, Hao Yan.

Interfaces to DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (3:00pm-3:45pm), intended to explore connections to other scientific fields and what kinds of synergies are around the corner or already happening.
Panelists: Deborah Fygenson, Kurt Gothelf, Christina Smolke, Paul Rothemund.

There is a wiki where panelists will post their statements. Please create an account on the wiki (account setup link in the upper right corner of the wiki site) in order to view the statements, and, if you are a panelist, to write or edit your statement.

The Wednesday panel will be held at the Beckman Institute (main conference site). Friday panel locations will be announced on Friday.